Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Journal Two

The name of the game is Word Slap! Me and my other half played a really rough version of it yesterday and we kept slapping the cards down. This is definitely going to be a game you want to play with multiple people. It  was kind of boring with just two people.

Journal One

Okay so thinking of a good game is proving rather difficult. There are so many things to consider! What kinda of game? Word, puzzle, cards, board? What kind of rules shoudl i come up with? How do i know it will be fun? This proccess is turning out to be a good learning expiernce for me. It's getting me to htink about things that i have never thought seriously about.

I made a decision! It will be a word association game! You will play it with word cards.. i have not thought out all my details or even a name yet!